Posted on: December 5, 2022 Posted by: Powerpoint Comments: 0

Jack Strait, a senior majoring in architecture, developed a point-and-click-style game using Microsoft PowerPoint as a part of an independent study course.

Strait provided a short synopsis of the game, titled “Roche Limit,” which centers around a house and a dark secret.

“Entirely by accident, you help a man evade a mysterious danger inside his home,” Strait said. “You enter the building and, upon discovering the same strange horrors, find that there’s no one to aid you and your escape.”

Courtesy of Jack Strait

Strait is holding a launch night for Roche Limit Dec. 3 in the College of Design room 0130. People interested in attending the event can select a time slot on this link when they can come in and try playing Strait’s game.

“So, in terms of how the game functions, it’s like a point-and-click-style game and has some, like, choose-your-own-adventure-kind-of vibes,” Strait said. “[Because the game was developed in PowerPoint and Microsoft Paint] you can’t, like, walk around with the arrow keys. So, it’s more about, like, operating around two arrows on the screen, opening different scenes.”

Strait said he first began working on the project while studying abroad in Rome, spending time drawing some of the architecture around the city. Initially, Strait wanted to build a small game around the structures, but ultimately the project took on a much greater scope.

“When I came back from Rome, I found out that I could get independent study credit for making this game,” Strait said. “So, then it became this huge thing, so then I made it way bigger. So, fast forward to now, and the game might be something like 1500 slides.”

Strait also received an honors student grant to help with the production of his game. He is working on the project for an independent study credit and using it as a capstone project for his major.

“It’s an independent study credit, which that’s a big deal because I can take that class instead of doing an architecture studio,” Strait said. “So, these architecture studios, they’re crazy. They’re, like, six-credit classes. So, to be able to skip one of those is amazing.”

Strait also employed some guerrilla marketing tactics to spread awareness of his game. Strait said he printed out every scene from the game, put them in frames from Walmart and dispersed them around campus.

“And I left these all over campus,” Straight said. “So, I had, like, almost 50 of these frames that random people picked up about places.”

For more information on the game, visit the Roche Limit Instagram page.
